Family Moving Concerns
Addressing Family Issues
The best way to conquer your stress during a move is to have a good plan in place and share as much of the burden as possible. To address all your family moving concerns, we recommend preparing a checklist so that it’s easier to remember and the tasks can be evenly divided.
Other Family Members
Relocations often occur due to corporate transfers and job changes. In these cases, other family members, while understanding and supportive, might not be happy about it.
Frequently, the spouse also has to find a new job, so be sure to ask your new employer about spousal support programs. You should also subscribe to the local newspaper, contact the local chamber of commerce, and reach out to employment companies before moving.
Remember: your family members are leaving behind their friends and support groups, so be sure to take the necessary steps to keep in touch with your old friends while making new ones. Prior to your move, learn about the available associations in your new city, including sports clubs, churches, Scouts, the YMCA, etc. This will help your family members form new relationships. We also recommend using your real estate agent as a valuable source of this information.
Health Issues
When relocating to a new city, it’s necessary to find a new doctor, dentist, hospital, pharmacy, and veterinarian. Reduce your stress by figuring this out before you move. The last thing you want is to arrive with an ill family member and have no idea where to turn. Additionally, make sure that you have at least a 30-day supply of any maintenance prescriptions.
To find new health care providers, obtain a copy of local phone books before the relocation. There, you’ll often find physician referral listings. Your insurance company is also a great resource for this information. They may even place restrictions on your options, so be sure to ask for a list of accepted and recommended providers. You can also ask your current providers for recommendations. When your new providers have been selected, make sure to forward them all your medical records.
If you have children, you know that relocating within a quality school system is critical. Again, take the time to do some research in advance. Once you know which school(s) children will be attending, transfer your kids’ school records so there is no delay in registering at the new school. Good sources for school information include colleagues where you’ll be working, your current school management, your REALTOR®, the Teachers Association, etc. When reviewing schools, consider their scholastic rating, security, location, arts and sports programs, etc.
Moving with Children
Moving can be difficult for children. Often, they’re trying to meet new friends while getting used to a new school, home, and community. Thinking about your children’s needs before, during, and after the move will make a significant difference in how your children feel and adjust to their new home.
Before the Move: Preparing
- Give your children a chance to express their feelings, and try to be honest about your own feelings. Children who have the opportunity to express themselves will work through their doubts more easily.
- Help older children compile a list of phone numbers, addresses, and emails of friends, relatives, and other important people in their lives. Knowing they can stay in touch with these important people will be reassuring.
- Take your children to your new home prior to moving. Explore the new neighborhood and city together.
- Try to line up activities in which your child can participate after the move, such as sports teams, music lessons, or scouting troops. These activities will keep your children involved and help them feel like part of a group.
During the Move: Remembering What's Important
- Throughout the move, stay as calm and upbeat as possible. Your mood impacts your children’s moods.
- Involve your children in the packing. Older children can put their own belongings in boxes, and children of all ages enjoy decorating moving boxes.
- Try to stick to your routines. Eat your meals at the same times as normal.
- Don’t pack items that your children treasure. Take favorite books, special blankets, and other prized items with you when traveling to your new home.
- Help your children say goodbye to the important people in their lives. Throw a party with your kids’ friends to celebrate the friendship.
- For many families, moving day means a long cross-country flight or car trip. Prevent airline angst and backseat blues by incorporating travel fun and games into your plans.
- Allow your children to bring an album with pictures of their old home and friends. This allows them to express their feelings and allows you to reassure them that their feelings of loss and discomfort are common with such big life changes.
After the Move: Getting Settled
- To make your new house seem more like home, hang family photos in prominent locations or create a tabletop display of family photographs.
- Take pictures of your new home, neighborhood, playmates, family members, school, etc. Start a new family album to show your kids that there is fun and family togetherness available in your new home.
- Don’t spend too much time unpacking—at least not right away. For the first few days, take time to enjoy your new home with your loved ones. Go for walks and check out local restaurants.
- Above all, be sure to listen. Try to be there when your children get home after their first day at a new school, even if it means having to leave work early. Continue asking how things are going after the move, and take time to listen to their answers.
Moving with Pets: TLC Goes a Long Way
Pets, just like humans, are very sensitive to change. Therefore, moving with pets can be stressful for both you and your animals. Planning ahead makes the move more comfortable for your pets and less stressful for you.
Be aware that moving companies typically do not relocate pets. So, if you plan to move with your pets, it’s important to remember that they are your responsibility. Check out the following tips to make pet relocation simpler.
Pets Require TLC
Pets require love and care during a move. Therefore, approximately one month before your move, reach out to a veterinarian for recommendations about moving your pet, whether it’s in your family car or via pet carriers on public transportation. You should also select an enclosed area where your pet can remain while your doors are open during the move. Be sure to check up on them regularly. We recommend assigning an older child to be responsible for calming and entertaining your pets.
Before You Move
Check your new community’s licensing requirements.
Have your pet checked and forward their records to your new veterinarian.
Ensure that your pet is wearing tags with updated contact details.
- Verify hotel pet policies.
- Take ample water and food.>
- Leash animals during out-of-car breaks.
- Familiarize your pets with their travel container prior to moving.
- If flying, contact your airline and veterinarian for information well in advance.
Try to avoid leaving your pets in the car. But, if necessary, open the windows slightly and leave water. Never leave pets in cars for extended periods. Remember: car temperatures, even with the windows cracked, can reach lethal levels for pets in only 15 minutes.
Don’t hesitate to reach out to us today for more advice about your upcoming move. We look forward to hearing from and supporting you soon.